Phill Agnew
I'm Phill, senior product marketer at Buffer, product marketing ambassador at the PMA, and host of Nudge, the only podcast dedicated to consumer psychology. While my experience lies in product marketing, I specialize in consumer behaviour, looking specifically at how to apply behavioural science at each stage of the marketing funnel. On the podcast, I interview a number of interesting characters who study why we make the decisions we make (from buying the latest Nikes, to choosing a salad over a steak). I take insights from these researchers, authors, and pioneers, and condense them into useful advice that any marketer can use to improve their proposition.

Speaking gigs
Applying Behavior Science to Product Marketing - Wynter Olympics (watch here)
All Things Performance Marketing: Spotting marketing bullshit (watch here)
Back to Basics: Tips for Not Sucking At Product Marketing (watch here)
How Nudges Will Make Your Brand Stand Out - Business Growth Show (listen here)
Keynote speaker at Product Tank’s 2020 World Product Day (watch here)
Product Led Podcast September 2020 (listen here)
Masters of Product Marketing talk: The Psychology Behind Pricing (watch here)
Guest on Product Marketing Experts podcast (listen here)
Presented keynote at 2019 Product Marketing Summit (watch here)
Invited to be a guest on PMM life podcast (listen here)
"What millions of conversations can tell us about subscription boxes" for Jellyfish at the Shard London (watch here)
Webinar host (watch here)